Easy to use

The iMask+ is quite simple to use. Its consumers find it to be incredibly comfy. Two types of outer masks are available Continue Reading

Modern Style

iMASK+ comes with optional Bluetooth technology, which allows the user to stay connected without removing the protective mask. Continue Reading

Clean Design

iMASK+ offers a stylish carrying case, which provides UVC sterilization of the mask and its components to protect from viruses Continue Reading

Total Support

Our support system is brilliant, you can reach us at info@imaskplus.com at any time and We’ll get back to you right away. Continue Reading

IMask+ for children

Masks are most important for children during times of pollution caused by known and unknown contaminated air. Fires, chemical spills or any other causes children should always have available a masks. The pandemic demonstrated the importance of masks to prevent the passing of influenzas and cold viruses from person to person. Children were able to return school and regular activities safely with the wearing of masks. The IMask+ provides easy flow of air allowing children the ability to breath normally. Breath easy with iMask+!